Welcome to one of my favorite things. I've spent the better part of 20 years working on my home, and I'd like to share with you what I have learned. I hope you enjoy it, and maybe learn a thing or two.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fix-up house #1

Ok, so I finally finished Fix-up house #1. I always think I can finish things faster than I actually can. Of course I didn't expect to have to scrape dog poop off of the baseboards or clean dried puddles of dog urine off of the floors either. I thought I could finish in two or three weeks, but it ended up taking me about six. Here are the before and after pictures.


And just a final thought...They have a device called a stud finder so you don't have to do this to your walls.


I hope you enjoyed the pictures.
Happy Fixing!


Ben and Taryn said...

So when can I move in? LOL! It looks great Terri, good job!

Jen said...

Nice work miss Teri!! So, is the house for sale??

ToolBeltTerri said...

Sorry this one is not for sale. The next one will be for sale. I should have it done by fall. It's a little more labor intensive property. I'll have the before pics up soon.

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