Welcome to one of my favorite things. I've spent the better part of 20 years working on my home, and I'd like to share with you what I have learned. I hope you enjoy it, and maybe learn a thing or two.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Fixing Small Holes

Have you ever hung a piece of art and then decided that you don’t like it where it is hanging? Now you have nail holes in the wall. Or you might be like me, living with a bunch of boys, and find that there are strange things protruding from the wall or mysterious holes that appear out of nowhere. “I didn’t do it!” Let’s just fix it.

Here is what you need. That putty knife from your tool box, and “Dry Dex” made by Dap. It’s pre-mixed spackling. The great thing about this is, it has a drying indicator. When you put it on, it’s pink and when it dries, it’s white. I always keep it on hand. You can buy it in an 8oz tub or you can get it in a tube (just like toothpaste). Best stuff ever!

Let’s get started. (Yes, I did make a special hole in the wall just for this demonstration. SHHH! Don’t tell my husband.) Ok, this application is good for small holes. Nails or screws. Bigger holes require a different technique. I’ll show you that soon because I have a dent from a rip stick in my hall that needs some attention. (Boys!)

Open your spackle tub and get just a small amount on the corner of your putty knife. Spread it over the hole. Push it in good so it fills the hole and smooth it out. Yes, if you’re not afraid of ruining you manicure, you can use your finger, but with the putty knife you can keep the surface flat. Get the excess off from around the hole. I like to take a damp cloth and wipe around the hole. A textured wall is easier because it is uneven. If you have a smooth finish on a wall, make sure that the hole is well filled and lightly rub over the hole so that the spackle is nowhere else on the wall but the hole. This will minimize it looking like a patch.

Now that the hole is filled, just wait. A small hole takes about 20 to 30 minutes to dry. You will know it’s dry when the spackle is no longer pink.

Then just paint over it.

Just like it was never there!

Happy Fixing!


ToolBeltTerri said...

Ok, my husband found out about the hole for the demonstration, but he couldn't find it on the wall. We call that SUCCESS!

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